The appointment for hospitalization can be done at the headquarters of Center of Treatments and palliative care at 14 Hasdeu Street, or by phone 0264-123456.
Required documents for hospitalization at Treatments center and palliative care:
- ID card;
- ID card / bulletin copy - referral ticket from the family or specialist doctor;
- Recent medical papers - health card;
- coupon / employee certificate / proof of medical insurance Medical services provided by the Center of Treatments and palliative care are settled by the Health Insurance House.
It is very important for us a good partnership with the institutions that assign them, as well as with the doctors. We want to make this cooperation as easy as possible, this being the only way to ensure optimal patient care. In order to avoid stagnation of the patients it is good to use the introductory forms for internal medicine / oncology resp. Psychiatry / Psychosomatic. You can also use our online forms for outpatient examinations, specialist consultations and therapies.

"The suffering accompanying the disease leads, above all, to repentance, favors the feeling of evil and provokes a good mood for prayer in the soul. These latter effects prove to be fruitful because they are the essential engines of any spiritual life."
                                                                                                                                                            Jean-Claude Larchet
Admission conditions imageAdmission conditions image