How can cancer be detected?

Cum se poate depista cancerul

It is important to know how cancer can be detected, because early cancer detection (when the tumor is small and without metastases) increases the chance of healing. Not all types of cancer occur as often, the most common are breast cancer in women, or lung and colon in men - see the scheme. 

As in all articles on the site, I also mention that the data in the article is informative, and they do not allow medical self-diagnosis or replace the medical consultation that is indispensable to a correct diagnosis. The Medical Rules - Article 32 of the Medical Ethics Code - prescribe that remote medical diagnosis is not allowed.

How can cancer be detected?
      As a doctor you sometimes wake up with a patient who describes some symptoms, or disparate modifications of some analyzes without the obvious cause. Starting from these, if you do the necessary investigations, you can sometimes get cancer diagnosis. Detecting cancer in a patient without symptoms can sometimes start from the following: The person in question had some elements that are likely to develop a cancer (predisposing factors).        These risk factors are different for different cancer sites, for example 

Smoking is a risk factor for lung cancer, esophagus, stomach, pharynx, pancreas, etc., smokers are more likely to develop these cancers but also those around them have a cancer risk (see table) 

Food can protect or promote the appearance of some cancers - see the table

 People who regularly consume alcohol are at greater risk for the following cancers 

  • Cancer of oral cavity 
  • Pharyngeal cancer 
  • Laryngeal cancer - vocal cords 
  • Cancer of esophagus 
  • Liver cancer 
  • Colon or rectal cancer 
  • Breast cancer 
  • Cancer of the pancreas

If the patient declares prolonged exposure to the sun, he or she may be at risk of skin cancer

 The patient with hepatic cirrhosis is at risk of developing hepatic injury 

A person with hepatitis B or C virus is at risk of liver cancer, and should be investigated in this direction Women who take birth control are at risk of having their own liver or liver       Those who use intensive mobile phones may have a brain cancer risk Colon cancer is favored by low-nutrition, sedentary, smoking, polyps, obesity, or the existence of colon cancer in the family. Those working in the irradiation environment are at risk for various cancers Some general, non-specific symptoms may suggest a cancer. 

Although it can not be said that there are typical symptoms for any form of cancer, there are some general symptoms that may suggest the existence of cancer, sometimes starting with cancer screening from the following elements:

  •  Significant and unexplained weight loss Lack of appetite
  • Permanent fatigue, decreased ability to concentrate 
  • Fever or underlying fever condition 
  • The occurrence of thrombophlebitis that is not healing anymore 
  • Exaggerated pigmentation or skin paleness Itchy and unexplained skin itching 
  • Excessive hair loss 
  • A patient who comes with some of these symptoms should also be investigated to see if he or she has a form of cancer. 
    There are some general analyzes, nonspecifically modified in any type of cancer, and they may be suggestive of a cancer:
  • Increase VSH Increase in fibrinogen 
  • Increase in platelets 
  • Detecting blood in some secretions (urine, vaginal discharge, sputum, nasal discharge, vomiting, stool, etc.)
  •  Ultrasounds can find nodules in various organs, enlarged nodes, thrombosis of vessels, all arising from cancer 
  • The CT or MRI exam shows the same changes as ultrasound, but the resolution of the methods is superior.