NICER (National Institute for Cancer Epidemiology and Research, Switzerland)

NICER · National Institute for Cancer Epidemiology and Registration

The foundation National Institute for Cancer Epidemiology and Registration (NICER) compiles and aggregates data that is collected by the cantonal and regional cancer registries of Switzerland. The participating cantons at present are Aargau, Basel Stadt and Land, Bern, Fribourg, Geneva, Graubunden and Glarus, Jura, Lucerne, Neuchatel, Nidwald, Obwald, St. Gall and Appenzell Ausserrhoden and Appenzell Innerrhoden, Thurgau, Ticino, Uri, Valais, Vaud, Zug and Zurich.

NICER is acting as a national coordination centre and harmonizes the work of the cantonal cancer registries. The institute aggregates all cancer data, provides quality assurance and analyses the data on a national level. The information collected within the network is currently used to produce statistics about cancer incidence, mortality and survival in Switzerland. Current incidence and mortality statistics are published regularly and are available online.

This work is aimed to enable evidence-based decisions, both in politics and in clinical settings, for the benefit of society and individual cancer patients.

NICER currently combines the data from 23 cantons, covering 94% of the Swiss population. The NICER network is currently in the process of expanding to include new registries. The NICER data are at disposition for interested persons and form the basis of further collaborative epidemiological cancer research in Switzerland.

NICER is guided in its work by best international practices and upholds professionalism, scientific thinking and collaborative spirit as its main core values.

The vision of NICER is to act as a nationally accepted and internationally recognized competence centre in the domain of cancer registration and epidemiological cancer research, and to contribute as integral and trusted partner in the Swiss cancer programme.